Alcon AcrySof IQ PanOptix trifocal intraocular lens shows superior visual performance
Custom Synthesis, Novartis’s eye care division Alcon unveils new data showing significantly improved near and intermediate distance vision with the AcrySof IQ PanOptix intraocular lens (IOL) compared to the Zeiss at Lisa tri 839MP IOL, which strengthen the value of the PanOptix IOL Enlighten optical technology, to provide enhanced image quality and more comfortable near to intermediate vision setting the AcrySof IQ PanOptix IOL apart from other trifocal IOLs. Michael Onuscheck, President & General Manager, Global Surgical Franchise, Alcon said that these results underscore the strength of the PanOptix IOL portfolio, and affirm the value of the AcrySof IQ PanOptix IOL for surgeons who want to treat cataracts and correct presbyopia in a single surgery. He further said that, while 82% of people over 60 are open to this type of advanced surgical option, only a few patients are even aware that trifocal IOLs like the AcrySof IQ PanOptix IOL exist. “As the leader in eye care, it’s Alcon’s responsibility to continue to deliver innovation that improves patient outcomes, and to connect patients to educational resources that can inform their treatment decisions,” he said.
AcrySof IQ PanOptix is the first hydrophobic trifocal lens built on Alcon’s proven AcrySof IQ platform. Novartis said in a press release on monday that, uUnlike other leading trifocal IOLs, AcrySof IQ PanOptix has an intermediate focal point at 60 cm, the distance for common intermediate vision activities like using a computer or reading a menu, combined with the excellent rotational and axial stability of the AcrySof single piece design. The design features of the AcrySof platform with the Enlighten Optical Technology are intended to help patients adapt more naturally to their new lens. The Enlighten Optical Technology provides an exceptionally high light utilization (88%) and less pupil dependence than previous generations of multifocal IOLs. This lens features a comfortable and continuous range of near to intermediate vision without compromising distance vision, Novartis said.
“At distance vision, AcrySof IQ PanOptix IOL performance is comparable to AT LISA tri 839MP, but at near and intermediate distance, AcrySof IQ PanOptix shows significant superior visual outcomes[1]. These clinical results confirm the superior performance of the Alcon trifocal IOL to perform daily activities like reading books or looking at tablet and smartphone screens,” said Ruth Lapid-Gortzak from the Department of Ophthalmology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands and the Global Coordinating Investigator of the clinical trial.